Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Trick or treat

I need to hurry and make a post about Halloween before too much times goes by.  When Halloween is over I know Thanksgiving and Christmas will be here before I can catch a breath.  The kids really enjoyed the holiday.  Xander was Spiderman and Wesley was Yoda.  When they were dressed up I could only call them by Spiderman or Yoda, not Xander and Wesley.  They are both old enough now to go trick or treating around the neighborhood.  We took them out for a couple hours in the evening. 

I don't know if it's a saying or a theory, but sometimes things have to get worse before they get better.  This will apply to my career.  I have been seeking a way to go part-time, but it has taken a couple years to find something that works.  It is very difficult to find a part-time job in my field.  I finally found a part-time job with my company.  I will be going from 7on/7off to two 10 hour shifts every week.  I have given up my day shifts for the evenings.  The plus is that I will be with my kids every single morning and that I only have to work twice a week.  I will get to be off every weekend and every holiday that falls during the days that I work.  The real downside is that I will be gone two nights a week.  There will be two nights every week that I don't get to spend time with Jerry.  I'm sure we will find a way to make it work.  I will be training full-time for the next 3-4 weeks and I will be gone every single evening M-F.  I am not looking forward to this.  I really hope it works out okay.  I think this new switch was a good idea but sometimes I have my doubts.  It is kind of a sacrifice because I was moving up in my career and now I'm stepping back.  I'm doing this for my kids though.  Here's to some crazy weeks ahead...

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