Saturday, November 24, 2012

A race and then some turkey

After consuming turkey and skipping nap time

 Hanging out with family
 My little bro ran the 5K and I did the 10K
 Before the race
I knew I would probably be consuming lots of calories on Thanksgiving, so when I saw that there was a Turkey 10K that morning I had to sign up.  One of my New Year's resolutions was to run at least one 10K this year.  This last race was actually my 5th 10K and I am hooked.  I'm hooked on the runners high, the competition and challenging myself.  Next year I will probably make it a goal to run a half marathon.  I'm a little scared about this distance but I know I can build up my endurance for a race like this.  I did really well with my turkey 10K.  My finish time was a new PR, 47:30.  I took first in my age group and got to take home a pie to eat with my Thanksgiving feast.   
It has really been a year of races for me.  This last race was my 9th.  I just love the feeling once you cross the finish line.  I have had moments in every single race where I worried if I could finish but I am happy to say that I have finished every single one.  I am very grateful that I have been blessed with this healthy body.  I have always been healthy but now that I'm 50 pounds lighter than 2 years ago I feel so free.  I feel so much better about myself.  I hope to keep up my healthy lifestyle for the rest of my life so I can just enjoy life to the fullest without physical limitations. 
I am very grateful for my family.  My kids keep me busy and can be a challenge but I know they are a blessing and there is a reason why I was meant to be their mommy.  I am grateful for my husband Jerry.  I can't believe we have known each other for over 10 years now.  We will be celebrating our 9th wedding anniversary next year.  I am grateful to be a member of the LDS church.  Without my faith I feel like I would be so lost.  It was a good Thanksgiving.  I'm so glad I have a new job and I know I will not have to work on holidays anymore! 

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