Sunday, July 25, 2010

Wesley is here!

Our baby is finally here and I started to think he would never come. Wesley Jacob was born July 22nd 2010 at 8:26pm. He weighed 7lbs 13oz and was 20 in long. He was born one day before his due date and we are so happy he is here. I had given in and decided to schedule an induction for Friday the 23rd. I was scared because I was hoping to go natural like I did with Xander and I know it's very hard to do with inductions. Wesley had plans of his own. I was starting to feel worse as this week dragged on, having cramping and pain. On Thursday when I was actually in labor it was hard to believe because I had been dealing with the same pain all week. I woke up that morning, played with Xander and went to the gym. I did a full 60 minute workout and started feeling a few cramps towards the end of my workout. I cleaned and straightened up the house as much as I could since I knew we would be trying to have Wesley that weekend. The cramping started getting worse while I vacuumed. They started getting worse around noon, but I still thought it was false labor.
Jerry called me around 1pm from a break at work. I told him about my pain and he made the smart decision to just come home. He works 50 miles away so I'm very grateful he showed up. The pain was manageable so I decided to wait until my 4:30 appointment with my midwife to determine if I should go to the hospital. We packed all our bags just in case. We took Xander with us because we didn't have a sitter available.
I told the front desk at the clinic that I might be in labor. The nurse told me just to go to the hospital. I asked if there was anyway my midwife could just check me first. I was already almost 7cm dilated! We went straight to the hospital to get admitted. We were panicking trying to find somebody to take Xander. My parents were out of town and my sister was at work in SLC. We were up at Ogden Regional Hospital. Things were a little crazy for a while. I started getting more regular contractions and Jeremiah was chasing Xander around the hospital room. My sister finally made it to Ogden around 6:30pm and took Xander to our house. It was a relief because I needed my coach (Jerry) to get through the pain ahead. The pain this time around was a lot tougher. This labor was a lot different because my water didn't break beforehand. I took a bath in the jetted tub to ease the pain but it got really bad. I got out at 7:50pm and the rest is a little blur because the pain was intense. I got in the bed and was ready to push even before my midwife could get there. They tried to make me wait but I needed to get that baby out! My midwife did arrive at the end and Wesley was born at 8:26pm after two contractions. It was painful but quick.
Wesley is the sweetest and cutest baby. Xander wasn't too bad when he was born but Wesley is so calm compared to him. He hardly cries unless he is hungry. He is so easy to love and I'm so glad I was blessed to be his mom. I know I still wish for a daughter really badly someday but I do really feel blessed to have my two healthy adorable boys. I hope that we can make the transition to a family of four as smooth as possible. I'm still recovering from the birth but we are all home and doing well right now.


Nina said...

Congratulations! That is really exciting for you. He looks like a very sweet baby. :)

Caitlinp said...

Congratulations! He looks very sweet and I'm so happy for your growing little family. Good luck with your recovery!

Matt, Julee, Carlee, Danilyn and Peter said...

Congratulations!!! Wesley is so stinkin' cute Elisa. I am scared to give birth again. I hope you recover quickly. It sounds like you handled everything like a champ!

Matt, Julee, Carlee, Danilyn and Peter said...

p.s. I can't believe you were still going to the gym for 60 min. or at all at that stage, holy cow, you are one tough mommy and I am a huge woos compared to you...

Matt, Julee, Carlee, Danilyn and Peter said...

Congratulations!!! He is so adorable. You're right, both your kids are. It was fun to read all your posts. I am getting close myself and am nervous about all the things you wrote, not going into labor until 1 day before due date, the pain, a babysitter, feeling like Carlee needs more attention when the baby comes home... You are so tough and your kids are lucky to have you for a mommy!

Matt, Julee, Carlee, Danilyn and Peter said...

Whoops, I didn't realize I already left 2 comments on this post, gosh, make that 4 now!