Monday, December 15, 2008

It's almost Christmas!

I have been so busy it's been hard to go online and update my blog. Being a working mom is tough but things are going well. We finally put Xander in daycare and he seems to be doing well. I guess he is too young to have separation anxiety. Hopefully he wont have that problem since he has to get used to being in daycare every other week. I just got done spending a week taking care of him. I don't mind working though since sometimes I just need baby breaks, and I like working in my profession and helping people.
It is just weird to reflect on last December. I found out I was pregnant on 12/10/07. I was late but didn't think I was pregnant since I felt just fine. Jerry told me to take a test but I wanted to be stubborn about it. Finally at 3am on 12/10 I woke up from a dream where I had taken a test and it was positive. I was determined to prove my dream wrong so I stumbled out of bed and went to the bathroom to take a pregnancy test. I took it and a faint second line showed up! I was in shock. Jerry and I had been trying to get pregnant but I thought it would take a few months. Later that day I had to buy more pregnancy tests and they were positive too. I was more scared then anything.
It is overwhelming to know that you are responsible for this little life. You have to be a good example and teach your child to grow up happy and teach them what is right. Alexander is already 5 months old and seems to be doing alright so far. He smiles and laughs so hopefully I am being a good mom. I honestly don't feel like I could do this without Jerry. There are a lot of times where I just don't know what to do and he is there to take the baby and help me out. He is such a good dad and he actually wants to and loves to take care of Xander. I know a lot of dads out there who leave most the work for the mom. I'm so glad Jerry doesn't leave me hanging. Motherhood has been a challenge for me so far. I do love my little guy and I'm glad he gives me a little smile here and there. (Grr I wanted to add some pictures, but for some reason it wont let me. I'll try to post again later.)


Matt, Julee, Carlee, Danilyn and Peter said...

I am glad things are going well Lisa. So far I agree that motherhood is hard and I haven't had a baby yet! Having the baby inside isn't easy either! What a great and life long challenge we have embarked on! Good thing we have our husbands and the Lord's help too. Have a Merry Christmas and yes, maybe we could stop and say hello! I miss you a ton! It would be amazing to see you.

admin said...

