We have already made this public to family and friends so I will finally make a post on our blog. Coming in July 2010 we will be adding on to our family. For Xander's second birthday he will be getting a new baby brother or sister. I hope he wants to keep the new baby. It's exciting and scary. While nine months seems like a long time, it's also a blessing so you have time to get things in order if you need to. We have a guest room that we will be making into another baby room. We have a lot of things from Xander that we can use with the new baby so I don't think we need to buy too many things.
Things are going well so far. I'm just a couple days away from being in the second trimester. I'm still active and workout a few times a week still. I have been really tired, but it mostly just hits me at night. I'm glad Jerry is understanding. I think he remembers two years ago when I would sleep a lot in the evening too. It just really exhausts me! I have been a little sick, but it has been manageable. Smells and tastes are different and strong. I hope that goes back to normal soon. We have already seen the baby twice, once at 6 weeks and again at 10 weeks. He/she is already adorable. The first time I could hardly make anything out of the ultrasound, but the next time I saw a tiny baby with little arms and legs moving around. I'm doing my best to keep him/her comfortable. I'm sure they wont tell us the gender until February and I probably wont believe them anyway since they got it wrong with Xander.
Xander is doing great. He is 18 months old already. He walks, runs and babbles. He is communicating more but not really talking at all. I was concerned so I took him to his doctor for another checkup. He said to start him on speech therapy. I hope it helps. We haven't set anything up yet. He is doing great other then that. I'm sure the not talking is no reflection of his intelligence. With his genes, I know he will be a smart kid. He does things everyday that reflect on his intelligence. They also did his measurements and he is a really big kid! He hit a growth spurt over the past three months, so now he is actually fitting length-wise in his 2T pants. He weighs a hefty 28lbs 2oz (77%) and is 32.5 inches tall (55%). Since birth he has gained 22lbs and grown over a foot. It's like he went and swallowed anther toddler! I'm trying to teach him to walk more because it is so hard to heft him around. It's only going to get harder in the next few months so I hope I can teach him to walk and hold my hand.
We look forward to having another family member this year. I just try not to think of all the challenges it will bring to us too. I hope I can be a good mother of two and keep my kids and hubby happy.
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