I am off for seven days again so I thought I would take the opportunity to post a new blog. It's so nice to not have to worry about my job every other seven days. When I am working my seven days though, it seems like everything is happening. Weddings and birthdays and parties seemed to be planned for my work weeks. I do my best to make it to everything. When I am finally off work it feels like nothing is going on.
This last work week Xander and Jeremiah both got sick. I went to pick Xander up from daycare last Friday and he felt really warm. I decided to take his temperature. The best way to take a baby's temperature is rectally. You can try under their armpit, but most babies are too wiggly. There is no way it will work in their mouth. I felt bad, but I had to take his temperature. It was a 102.6! As a first time mom I was really worried. I went and grabbed my medical reference book and it did say that rectally the temperature is a little higher then the actual body temperature. I was still worried so I called the pediatrician's office. The nurse told me to give him Motrin or Tylenol. Jerry and I just cuddled him close for the next couple days. It was so sad to see him not feeling well. He wasn't his usual smiley giggly self. I had to work my 12 hour shifts on Saturday and Sunday, so Jerry was stuck in the house all day caring for a sick baby. By Sunday night he was in a better mood and seems to be feeling a lot better. I just felt bad that I couldn't be there for Xander since I was stuck at work.
On Sunday Jerry started having mouth pains that kept getting more intense. I didn't know how to help him since I was busy working. He decided to call the dentist and go in for an appointment on Monday. They thought he might need a root canal and he was referred to a specialist. Luckily they think it might be a sinus infection. We are crossing our fingers that he wont need a root canal.
Xander is doing well and learning new things everyday. He doesn't crawl yet. His preferred form of mobility is rolling on the floor. He can roll pretty fast. He will get on his tummy and try to crawl, but he doesn't seem to know what to do with his legs. Crawling is not considered a milestone that babies have to meet so I'm not too worried about his lack of crawling. Jerry and I are working on teaching him to stand so he can just skip the crawling if he has too. He is doing pretty well. He even tries to pull himself up on his toys, but he hasn't been successful yet. He is a big boy weighing over 20 pounds, so it has to be more of a challenge for him to learn to stand. He will be having his 9 month appointment in 2 weeks so I will post his stats on here. I am really curious how tall he is right now. His 12 month pants are getting short on him. He can fit in some 18 month clothes already. I really need to do some more clothes shopping for him. He grows out of his clothes too fast now.
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