Jerry and I got two big shocks this last weekend. I was just surviving my work week, feeling kind of miserable and tired. I started developing this itching problem primarily in my hands and feet. The itching was so severe that I would have a panic attack and want to scratch off my skin. It kept getting worse every morning when I would wake up, and I would be so frustrated when I finally rolled in to work. I found out that this condition could be associated with my liver. It's called Cholestasis of pregnancy and it's horrible!
On Saturday night I got off of a 12 hour shift at work and Jerry dragged me the movies to watch Hellboy II. We made it through the movie and then I needed to go to bed immediately so I could wake up at 3am for my next 12 hour shift. I was 3 weeks away from my due date of Aug 4th and not feeling great but not having any idea I was going to go into labor. I was in bed by about 9:30pm and kept getting up to use the restroom and drink water. At about 11:35pm I woke up and was just laying down when a gush of water came out all over my sheets. I knew what had happened, but it's still quite a shock, especially still being 3 weeks away from my due date. Jerry was downstairs staying up late and playing video games. He came upstairs and I let him know that my water broke. I was a little freaked because I knew that regardless of if I was having contractions or not, I was going to have the baby within 24 hours. Contractions started immediately and we made it to the hospital around 1am after scrambling around our house packing a hospital bag. They didn't start out too bad, but they didn't feel good either. I was determined to go natural and not get any drugs or an epidural. We did lots of walking and that really progressed my labor. I just breathed through the horrible cramps and then felt fine once they went away. They had me hooked up to 2 monitors when I came in, one for the baby's heart and one for my contractions. I would dread it each time I saw the contraction monitor numbers rising. Everything was progressing fast until they put me in the jetted tub. For most women, being able to relax during labor usually progresses things, but everytime I relaxed, it slowed down my labor. I had no choice but to walk and pace around, all activities that tire you for the pushing part! I finally got to pushing and didn't think I would make it. Everyone was so encouraging that at the end I got an adrenaline rush and by 9:44am on July 13, 2008 our baby came into the world. He was 6lbs 60z and 19 1/4 inches.
Here is the second surprise. We were expecting a little girl and had a girl nursery with little girl things. I am laying on the delivery room bed exhausted and relieved that the baby came. They place the baby on my stomach and I immediately notice something wrong. This baby has "boy parts." They didn't even have to say "It's a boy!" for me to know what was going on. We had a name picked out for a boy luckily. I didn't get my Octavia, I got an Alexander. I still replay that scene over and over in my head, the first time I saw my baby. I know that I am blessed and meant to have a son, but with the postpartum emotions I feel sad that I didn't get my little girl. I guess maybe next time. Of course we will be waiting for a little while for a second baby! We had to order a new nursery set and will have a boy room soon. It's all so crazy. I'm still supposed to be pregnant, but now I am up for late night feedings and diaper changes. I just hope life gets back to a routine and I learn to live with this sweet little guy.
1 comment:
He drug you to a movie when you had to wake up early for a 12 hour shift?!!!! Woman, you are brave!
Plus it's funny seeing you call him Jerry. I've never thought to call him that, and I don't think I ever heard anyone else call him that either.
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