I just returned from an awesome trip. It was fun but I left Jerry and the kids at home. I missed them but it was fun to get away for a few days and just be with the girls. My sister Sarah and my grandma had the idea that we should book a girl's cruise and we finally did, kind of as a celebration of my mom turning 50. It was a Californian cruise and we had stops everyday. We went to Santa Barbara, Catalina Island and then Ensenada.
This was on the day I came back. The kids were so excited for the souvenirs I brought home with me, especially the capes from Mexico.
This was an awesome statue of a famous photo from WWII. It is huge if you can't tell.
This is me in vacation mode on the ship. You can see Ensenada behind me.
This appetizer looked so cool I had to take a picture. I think it was a chicken curry salad and it tasted delicious. I enjoyed the food a little too much!
This is a picture of my grandma and mom during our formal dining.
We took a cooking class in Mexico. We were making salsa fresca and then we turned it into guacamole.
My mom and me on a tour bus.
In Santa Barbara on top of a tower at the courthouse.
This pine tree is really cool. We called it a lego tree.
The courthouse in Santa Barbara. It was a really cool building.
I was standing in front of a fountain at the Santa Barbara mission.
The ladies getting ready to sail from San Diego.
We got to ride in a Mustang convertible to the ship.
This is the pet bathroom in the San Diego airport.