Back when I found out I would be having another July baby I thought it would be cool having my two kids share a birthday month. Now I'm thinking that it's just a little bit stressful, but we made it through. It was fun but I need a break from birthdays!
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Birthday month!
Back when I found out I would be having another July baby I thought it would be cool having my two kids share a birthday month. Now I'm thinking that it's just a little bit stressful, but we made it through. It was fun but I need a break from birthdays!
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Just some reminiscing
Where was I one year ago? I believe I was about 37 weeks pregnant, swollen and just begging my baby to come out! His big brother made his debut 3 weeks early,so why shouldn't the second baby do the same? This baby had other plans, he wanted to stay close to his mama for a little while longer. He ended up coming on July 22nd at 8:26pm, one day before he was due. He has filled our home with joy and even true peace at times. It brings tears to my eyes that it has already been a year with this sweet little guy. I was completely in love with him before we even left the hospital and have been smitten ever since. It's so crazy how things change. It's weird to me that I wasn't always a mom, and that I wasn't always a mother of two. It feels like these two kids have been a part of my life forever. Maybe they have in some way. If we have a third child, I'm sure I will feel like they have always been here too.
These kids change so much in just a short time. My older child, Alexander has had issues with his ears and sinuses since birth. His hearing does work, but all the fluid build up helped prevent him from hearing properly. He has been speech delayed and barely communicating a year ago. Now he jabbers to me in small sentences all day and repeats everything he hears. He is a smart kid too. None of that childproofing stuff works on him. He is imaginative, and does pretend play all the time. He is my emotional child as well. He can go from being really whiny, to super happy. He is rough and likes to wrestle. I know that is a "boy thing" but he seems to get that from me as well because I like to do those things. I'm sure he will catch up with other kids and I hope he goes where he wants to go in life. I look forward to having a blast with him, maybe teaching him some things I love and doing them with him.
My sweet baby Wesley is my cuddler and a total mommy's boy at least for now. When he was born I was shocked in the hospital that he almost never cried. He just laid there and slept peacefully. When he was awake he would just look around and take everything in. He is less emotional than his brother, just more laid-back. He does like to smile and laugh and play. He doesn't complain too much. He is doing great with his milestones. He is a champion crawler and will be walking very soon. I was hoping it would be by his first birthday, but it might not be for another little while. Xander didn't master walking until he was 14 months. I can't believe it has already been a year. 2 years ago I was getting ready to celebrate Xander's 1st birthday.
I feel blessed to have these sweet kids. It is tough at times but I know I wouldn't want to live my life without these two people in it and I have no regrets in becoming a mommy. Happy birthday to my two sweet children, Xander (3) July13th and Wesley (1) July 22nd.