Jerry and I just celebrated our 6th wedding anniversary this past weekend. I can't believe how fast 6 years goes by. It is our second anniversary as parents and we took the night off from Xander thanks to Grandma and Grandpa Batt. I hope he wasn't too much trouble for them. They were nice enough to watch him overnight last anniversary too. I know Xander has a hard time sleeping in places other then his crib which is why we have only taken two overnight trips with him since he was born. Both trips left us sleep deprived. Honestly though, I think we have been tired everyday since he was born so it's nothing new.
Our anniversary was on my seven days on, so I had to trade Saturdays at work. We didn't plan anything elaborate. We just drove to Logan and stayed at the Anniversary Inn. I think we have stayed there at least seven times now. They do have fun rooms though and it's very relaxing. It's just refreshing to know that despite being so busy all the time with work and being parents, that we are still the same couple that have been together almost seven years now and we are still best friends. Almost seven years ago while we were dating we had a talk one day about our goals and intentions with our relationship. We both agreed that we wanted our relationship to be a meaningful and long lasting relationship since our previous ones were exactly opposite. A couple weeks after that talk we decided that we would like to get married someday. This was during the spring of 2003 and we got married in the Salt Lake Temple in March 2004. We aren't perfect but I feel like we have what it takes to be happy together for many more years and hopefully to eternity, like we vowed when we were sealed in the temple.
Xander is a keeping us very busy these days. He is a sweet, loving and very energetic toddler. We still have problems with his ears. I still feel like the tubes are not helping him and am wondering if I should see a new ENT specialist. He still has yet to say no, or even mommy and daddy. He does speak his own Xander language. I'm trying to figure out how to get him evaluated by early intervention but I'm not sure where to start. At least he is happy and healthy despite his small challenges.
The big ultrasound is on the 30th of this month. I know there are rumors going around, but I will wait to announce the gender to everyone after the ultrasound. I will say that if this baby is confirmed another boy I think I'm just going to sell all my girl stuff because we will probably just be one of those all boy families. We probably just don't make girls. I will post how things go at the end of this month.