Friday, November 14, 2008

Xander's 4 month stats

Yesterday I took Xander to his 4 month appointment. First of all I'm shocked that it has already been 4 months since that day back in July that changed my life forever. Motherhood is not getting easier and I'm convinced that it will not get easier, but it is getting more fun. It's like his personality chip in his brain finally turned on. He smiles and laughs. He baby talks and just this past week finally realized he could grab things with his hands. I looked at pictures of him when he was brand new and I think he is actually cuter now then when he was really small. He went from weighing 6lbs 6oz and 19 1/4 inches at birth to 17lbs 1oz and 25 inches long! He is so big. I get a backache when I carry him too long. I thought the backaches were painful when I was pregnant, but it doesn't compare to lugging around a 17lb 4 month old! Xander was kind enough to start sleeping through the night at 11 weeks old and is really good at it. He also give me some cleaning time by taking a long afternoon nap. I am slowly getting used to being back at work. It is hard being at work, but at the same time I like being a working mom. I am a supervisor in my laboratory and I kind of like taking a baby break and doing "grown up" stuff. Between that and going to the gym it helps me still feel like me in this new life I am living. I think I have been struggling with some mild post-partum depression, but I am making it through. When I start feeling really down, I just think of all I have going for me in my life.

I can't belive my baby who was only 5lbs when I brought him home from the hospital is so big now! He is in the 90th percentile in weight and the 55th percentile in height. I guess he really does take after his mom and dad. Here are some cute pics of Xander trying out his new toy.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

I can't believe it's already November

It feels like only a few weeks ago that I brought Xander home from the hospital, but that was in July and it's aready November. Xander is 16 weeks old now and just had his first big holiday, Halloween. He's now smiling, laughing and baby talking. He's doing great, but I find that I get absolutely nothing out of church anymore. I guess I wont until he goes to nursery.

For Halloween we didn't really do anything even though it's one of our favorite holidays. Well Jerry and I did go to a spook alley and a cornmaze before the holiday, but it would have been fun to have a party or something. I guess it's that time of the year to get ready for the holidays. In a few short weeks I will be pulling out all the Christmas decorations. I am excited to finally have Christmas off this year. I haven't had Christmas off since 2003! I have worked every Christmas since I have been married. Now that Halloween is over, the stores will be full of Christmas stuff. I have Thanksgiving off this year too, and I said I would make Thanksgiving dinner for the first time ever, but that's still up in the air. Here are some fun pictures from Halloween.